This is my solution to having an inexpensive FPV ground station. One of its greatest benefits is being able to easily redirect the direction of the FPV antenna without the need for an expensive antenna tracker. Keep in mind that this is made to be an inexpensive FPV platform. Parts List: [Qty. 1] 20cm Servo […]
Author Archives: Adam Polak
The Crius SE Multiwii flight controller is a multicopter flight controller that uses Multiwii. The board can be purchased from GoodLuckBuy for $77.44. It performs well and comes packed with sensors and a FTDI basic programmer for an affordable price. This is a walk through of the steps I took to wire my Hexacopter and get it […]
This is my Xaircraft Hexacopter. It is made of an extremely rigid and durable plastic composite with fiberglass panels. The frame is very light-weight and the kit includes many parts and mounts. The kit not only includes the oversize landing skids that are great for FPV, but it also includes regular claw shaped landing gear for each […]
This is a frame I designed to be used as an FPV platform. I never ended up using this frame because it was not very rigid so I decided to go with an XAircraft Hexa Frame. The build log for the Xaircraft frame can be found HERE. Plans for this frame can be found HERE. […]
DOWNLOAD MODEL Note: The model requires Windows with Autodesk Inventor.